Mysterious Places in Kenya

Mysterious Places in Kenya

The Gates of Hell in Kenya
Map Coordinates: 0°54′57″S 36°18′48″E

An entrance to an abyss lies south of Lake Naivasha in Kenya. This amazing rock formation has peculiar features that make you wonder what is going on here (1). A straightforward path to the depths of the Earth is evident and exists. Down to the bottom where the steam rises and the walls turn red meaning closer to the assumed destination. 

Monkeys are highly vocal animals, so when they perceive a threat, they will often alert other nearby monkeys to the potential danger by emitting alarm calls (2).
It is rumored that before it became a busy touristic site, thousands of thousands of monkeys used to congregate within this gorge and emit alarm calls of danger and the amazing thing is that these sounds echoed throughout the area, amplified by the caving of the gorge. The sound would reach the nearby villages and scare the inhabitants completely thus was named under these conditions.
Why did these monkeys think that this place was a threat? To this question, we have no answer but simple conclusions. Something is not right with this place.

 Another strange thing is that there is a huge cave at the bottom of the walls of the gorge where carcasses and skeletons of animals swept away by floods are smashed against rocks. This cave is called the Devils Kitchen (3).

Famous movies that have been done here include Tomb Raider, Cradle of Life and King Solomon’s Mines.

Death is at this place because there have been bizarre incidences that do not add up for example in March 2009; a school bus from Nairobi was involved in an accident at the park. The bus lost control near one of the peaks and went straight up the peak but in return, it rolled over and five pupils perished (4).

In 2012 seven members of a church youth group died after being swept away by flash floods in the gorge. Floods appeared from nowhere, 6feet tall, rocks and soil swept the area within seconds and carried anything that was on the way (5). The metrological department confirmed that there were no expected flash rains within the area at the time, so where did this mysterious water come from?

In 2013 Reports on Twitter by the Kenya Red Cross stated that a group of hikers was attacked by wild bees, sending two of the group tumbling down the crater walls (6).

These are some of the reported sad cases related to hell’s gate whilst more local stories are common about the disappearances of herdsmen with their livestock, never to be seen again.

The myth of this area tells a story about a certain community and family that rejected their mother witch who was sent to live in the mountains alone due to her evil deeds. These mountains or hills are where the present hells gate is located. Anyway, this woman settled at the gorge and swore death on everyone (which was this community and family) and thus through her occult abilities she chanted for the gates of hell to open, for the utter destruction of all lives within. She managed to open half of the gates but was sucked in before she finished and the spell. This gate opening did not complete and has always been half open unless someone can complete the incantations/spell of the witch woman and thereby opening the whole of the gates of hell. This story is in accordance to grandma Jelani and mama Nailah from Samburu, Kenya

Envaitenet Ghost Island in Kenya.
Map Coordinates: 2°38'12"N 36°37'20"E

This is the biggest abduction case in the history of Africa where over 4 tribes vanished over different periods of time within the Island of Envaitenet also known as “Island of No Return”.

This island is just several miles wide and is considered as a serious cursed place for no man to venture. An English explorer Vivian Fush's expedition was working in Kenya in 1935 (1). His two colleagues, namely Martin Sheflis and Bill Dayson left for the mysterious island and after 15 days the two scientists did not return. Search teams were sent after them and shockingly they as well did not return. There was no sign of the men on the island even after a plane was flown over, no trace of any humans were present.

Folklore has it that many times they would hear booming loud noises coming from the Island that would last hours at a time, but nobody dared to venture to find out the source thus was assumed it was the “Devil” working his charm on the island.

The best case explanation is derived from cases of abduction (2) where the abductees’ record that while on abduction they would see many other living organisms in cryostats’, and in this, you will find Africans and other human life forms all stored for some experiment or something closely related. 
If the case of alien abduction can be verified then it would mean aliens possibly are responsible for the disappearance of over 4 tribes over the vast time period. Where did they take these tribes without the consideration of their heritage? Did they relocate them to a different world? Or did they experiment them on various situations?

We can know more if we would get ourselves one of these extraterrestrials to talk instead of them bouncing off the earth like balloons with no words.

 The Waters of Meribah in Kenya
Map Coordinates: 0° 17′ 0″ N, 34° 45′ 0″ E

The Crying Stone of Ilesi is located in Kakamega (1), West of Kenya. It is believed that this stone possesses supernatural powers. 

Known as the “Crying Stone” (2) it is highly revered by the locals who claim that the stone protects them from evil designed by enemies thereby it religious importance.
The local villagers say when the stone cries, it is usually a sign of good omen, better crop yield whilst when the stone dries up; it is usually time to offer religious rituals and sacrifices to persuade the gods to bring the rain and surplus.

Apart from the sustenance it adapts to, this is also a place for spiritual cleansing. The cleansing process involves those affected going into a cave to be administered traditional herbs, normally prepared by respected elders (3).
 According to testimonies, so effective is the cleansing, that no misfortune comes the way of those cleaned thereafter. During sacrifices to appease the gods for rain or to avoid looming calamities like famine, several animals are slaughtered in nightlong festivities held at the foot of the crying stone.
Women and children don't participate in these festivities which are exclusively a men only affair. The women's role is to prepare food for the rituals.

The Inter Dimensional Portal of the Akamba
Map Coordinates: 1°25'33.4"S 37°14'23.9"E

Under general relativity any form of energy couples with space-time to create the geometries that cause gravity but the question is does this apply to anti-matter as well?

There is a hill that answers the above question located Katuluni Hill in Kyamwilu, Machakos, a town 64 Kms away from Nairobi (2).

A powerful repulsion between normal matter and hidden pockets of antimatter (1) could be an alternate explanation for this mysterious force located in Kyamwilu.

Folklore has it that before a road was ever erected within this area, there used to live two men (Kyalo and Mwilu) who fell in love with one beautiful woman which brought about competition. The desire to take the woman for keeps ever grew high within the two men but the woman remained adamant and did not take any side, she just sat and relaxed by the riverside.
The woman finally gave birth to a boy whose father’s identity could not be ascertained resulting to more wrangles from the two men. Finally, after the two died without resolving this issue, the river dried up, the woman vanished and the child was left. This also left a tear in our reality, the ripples of the wrangles still going on till to date.  Thus the area was named “Kyamwilu”.

In the early 18th century many incidences of two white dressed men walking around this area had been witnessed by the locals. Most of these locals had been using this route from the market to their homes for a while so as they were walking, two men dressed in white would suddenly appear at a distance and then suddenly vanish without any trace.

 Much earlier, according to the old folk, there used to be a shrine erected in this place and yet no one knew who built it, and for what purpose it was built for therefore the story is that “Visitors” once came to this area and they were of different form begins to make sense. They were welcomed and in the long run taught man different skills some including basket weaving, pottery, carvings and most of all trade.

The Menengai Crater Horror Story
Map Coordinates: 0°11'49.8"S 36°04'02.7"E

Menengai Crater (1) is a massive shield volcano with one of the biggest calderas in the world, in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya. It is the largest volcano caldera in Kenya and the second largest volcano caldera in Africa.

There are many unexplained phenomena that take place in this area. Unexplained Lights have been seen moving up and down the crater at night, at different speeds that cannot be compared to our normal Kenyan aircraft.(2)

There is an unknown species of intelligence that lurks in the calderas and this has been seen by the locals who state that they have witnessed “Devils” planting and harvesting wheat within hours using all manner of unknown equipment.

Called the Mountain of Demons, people have disappeared within this area many times while others have walked for miles without cognition of their selves and direction and have been found totally confused without even recollecting their names. This effect usually lasts for 6 hours and when they got back, they have no recollection of the hours they have been missing.

Rumors have it that there is this flying umbrella that appears when it rains and no one knows whose it belongs to and why it is seen (3)

Many cases of suicide have been reported to occur at this place whilst not forgetting the Cow bells sounds that are heard every year at the beginning of summer solstice.
Extra-terrestrials have always been living with us; our political and religious dogma is what that separates man from the world out there.

The Taita Skull Caves in Kenya
Map Coordinates: 3.3831° S, 38.3625° E

A long time ago the Taita Tribe (1) was known to store skulls of the dead in caves. These caves namely Ngomenyi, Yale, and Shomoto are located at the Taita hills. The skulls would physically be disconnected from the corpse body after 1year from burial.

What they would do on the first burial was to place a rock between the first neck vertebrae and the skull, then after one year, the flesh would have melted so it would be easy plucking the head out of the corpse without any messiness of decapitation.

This was deemed a sacred act of restoring the dead to the ancestors resting place (2).

The skulls would be lined according to lineage whilst other areas they would also include the skulls of women and children.

The cliffs of the Taita hills were also used for other purposes apart from burial. Thieves, murderers, and rapists would be thrown to their deaths from these cliffs after being found guilty by village elders. It was the responsibility of the criminal’s uncle or relative to push them over the edge.

The resemblance of the stories of the Bible (Creation, Adam and Eve, the way of burial is very similar with the Taita and many people rumor that this was the Garden of Eden.
 The book of Enoch clearly states that Adam and Eve, their family and the rest of the clan used to do this ritual, bury the elders in caves for possible reincarnation or for the holiness posted. Where did the Taita get this culture from? Could this be a part of the whole story, but forgotten?

The mythical grounds of Nyari in Kenya
Map Coordinates: 3°01'24.0"S 39°57'50.0"E

This is another kitchen that belongs to the “Devil”, an odd sandstone canyon that is found outside of Malindi, Kenya (1). This place rumor has it that if you have lost property, you can recover it by walking around a small peak found at the center or rare center of the land. This peak is known as the house of the old woman.

The town was once inhabited by locals farmers who state that one time on a weekend, a man dressed in white appeared and informed them that he would take them to a better place so they were given 3 days to pack their belongings but one old woman refused to move and within 3 days the man in white came back and led the locals to unknown location leaving the old woman behind.

As they left the grounds shook terribly and the old woman vanished but what was left behind was a huge female looking “like mold” which the locals state bring good luck and recover lost items if meditated upon.
The local inhabitants have never been established to their point of the settlement but it is rumored they built the Gede Ruins.

The GEDE Mysterious Ruins in Kenya
Map Coordinates: 3.3094°S 40.0172°E

The Gedi ruins (1) are one of Kenya’s great mysteries. A bunch of wealthy intelligent locals builds a town filled with modern attributes and yet nothing is known about their origin, purpose, and intent.

The settings occur in a location on the Indian Ocean. Buried deep in a lush forest, the town is believed to have been founded in the early 13th-century, although there is no hard evidence to prove this. What has really baffled researchers is the well-established town’s mysterious fantastic and incredible development yet its abandonment is even more baffling. Who would build such a town with such a perfect sewage system, roads built with precise accuracy in accordance to the sky night, water canals and irrigation schemes that early man would take centuries to develop? Many states that this mysterious tribe was the tribe that was from the MARAFA Devils kitchen (2) – the Azania culture that moved from different locations in search of sanctity

The Azania tribe is believed to have finally settled in the north western part of Kenya called El Wak and in this place they built over 1000 wells that were made from smelting bedrock very deep, yet this all happened but today when you go view these areas you find nothing but dust, yet deep inside are barrows that link each other up for miles and miles to unknown locations. Evidence of people disappearing in the caves if very real but the wells were abandoned and only the few who know the routes ever dare venture.

Simbi Nyaima Mystery
The Village that sunk

Map Coordinates: 0°22'01.4"S 34°37'43.8"E

Lake Simbi Nyaima in Karachuonyo (1), near Kendu Bay Town Kenya, has a legend that it was formed as a result of an arrogant, greedy community that once used to live in this area. The whole community got flooded and overwhelmed by the mighty rains expert for one mother whose heart went forth to provide, whilst all the rest were partying for victory over the enemies, food, and scarcity. However, geologists state that the lake was a result of tremors that had once hit this area although no evidence supporting this was ever recorded.
According to the local community, the village disappeared in a violent storm after villagers refused to shelter and feed an unknown elderly woman. To date the local community claim that the waters are medicinal that drinking from this water cures you of many illnesses, skin and terminal diseases. However, it's awful pungent stench can be sniffed for over 15Kms. Magadi (salt) is also manufactured at Simbi Nyaima.

The lake's bottom is unfathomable and residents do not dare to swim in the lake due to its natural connection to an even bigger lake which it is Lake Victoria.

This place is also a religious place and most often many religions frequent this place. There are prayers done almost anywhere within the lake. A mystery but a connection occurs.

The Wells of Aka, Kenya
Map Coordinates: 2.8070° N, 40.9284° E
Lost Civilization: The Azania

There is a civilization that used to exist before the Bantu in East Africa – Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. This was the Azania civilization (1), a tribe so good with metal architecture, pottery, design roads, engineering, water management and irrigation schemes that were in real words “foreign” to the surrounding communities.

In 1927, an article (4) about mysterious rock – cut - wells and barrows in the northern frontier province of Kenya was run in the British journal “Man”. The Author C.B.G Watson says that wells bored through 16 – 40 feet in limestone rock exist all through the northern desert area of Kenya. Underground passages lead between some of them, and a large number of barrows are scattered throughout the area. Watson relates that some believe the wells and barrows to be of natural origin. The other view is that they are remains of some “ancient” civilization of people who have left behind them no trace apart from their feats as water engineers and barrows that yield no bones, implements or records of any kind. This tribe was called the “Medenli” Tribe or Azania.

At El Wak, Kenya (2) – “the wells of the Wak tree” are some 50 wells spread all over an area of 20 square miles. Only a dozen are now used by a mix Galla Somali tribe called Gurree. The pits consist of (a) a deep pit averaging 60 feet deep and 15 feet broad at the top, (b) underground passages varying in number and length. Wanderers have been known to have been lost forever in these passages.

This Azania civilization (3) was in dire need of water so many attempts that worked were employed here but alas most of them have been abandoned, and sand has built over them, but in case one believes the system was flawless, they would bring forth an energy system that ran throughout the land and was successful but was hidden in history. Ignorance has preceded the end of such projects.
